Maldon Sharks are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our members.
Our Club has the Swim Mark accreditation, which is Swim England's "quality standard" to recognise the clubs that are committed to providing safe, effective and quality services for the benefit of their members. The accreditation also confirms that we have the highest of standards with regards to governance, sustainability and effectiveness.
As part of this we have a Welfare Officer and they are the first point of contact for anyone within the club who has a safeguarding or welfare concern. Safeguarding / welfare concerns can be raised by any child, parent or member of the club, so if you have such a concern then please immediately contact our welfare officer:
Rebecca Tarplett
E-mail -
In partnership with the club committee, the Welfare Officer ensures that the club is adopting and implementing the relevant safeguarding policies and procedures. Maldon Sharks fully endorses and adheres to the latest Swim England guidelines as contained within the Wavepower 2024 policy document.
The link to the Wavepower 2024 document can be found below: